Posts Tagged ‘Blow Dryer’

Use of Blow Dryer

Blow dryer is a beauty gadget and used to dry wet hair soon. We also use blow dryer to set our hair differently. Improper use of blow dryer/Hair dryer can cause severe harms to hair therefore learn proper use of hair:

After washing your hair, squeeze out all water from hair and pat dry with towel to absorb all water. Set your blow dryer on medium or low heat. Keep hair dryer away from hair to avoid burning ranging from 6-8 inches. Start blow drying your hair from inner section. Keep the airflow in the direction of the ends. If you have dry hairs then apply hair lotion after blow drying your hair quickly.

Don’t use a blow dryer older than 5 years and strictly follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer. Don’t make frequent use of blow dryer as heat can harm your hair. Let your hair dry in air if you are not in hurry.